Ice Off

Ice off. One of my favorite times of the year. This year is no exception. A friend and I decided to take a trip up to Fish lake Utah, just under 9000 ft. elevation. Fish lake is an amazing fishery depending on your style of fishing. For me, early spring and the approaching Rainbow trout spawn means that Splake trout, a hybrid of a Lake trout and a Brook trout, will be up in the shallows getting ready for a feast. Fish lake is known for its lunkers, and currently boasts the state record Splake at just over 17 lbs. I just think they taste good.

So yesterday we hit the water in hook’em and cook’em mode. The ice had pulled off the shore about a double casting distance. I could see fish surfacing along the ice edge and some further into shore. We hit a few Rainbows on a red and silver Jake’s lure.20170419_153903 But I needed dinner.

I re-rigged and threw on some garden hackle. It wasn’t long before I pulled in my first Splake. So, we settled in for some bait fishing. While we kicked back, the sizzling of fresh fish filled the air as we cooked our catch on a portable grill. We weren’t the only ones out enjoying the cool mountain air. The Osprey circled the lake, looking for lunch of their own. Chunky Pot Guts chased each other around rocks and through brush, while squirrels chattered in the tree tops. A full belly and six fish later we decided to call it a day. Between us we ended up keeping two Rainbows, three Splake, and one Tiger trout. 20170419_154119

I’ve had many perfect days fishing, and I can add this day to the list.

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